The Dragon Hoard
It’s been a long week. My school assignments race one after each other like wild horses, each on a mission to grab my attention. My body aches, sweat clouding my back and face after my ballet class and rehearsal.
Once I’m home, I take out a sheet of paper, attempting to organize a to do list for my weekend. From the kitchen, the smell of toast and butter floats towards me. I breathe it in happily, and get up to fix myself a plate. One more thing to add to my hoard of moments of peace in the midst of chaos.
I’ve always had a dragonish tendency to gather things. When I was little, scraps of wrapping paper or gold foil disappeared into my treasure box. I would keep a collection of favourite pencils pristine in my drawer, never daring to use them for fear they would be ruined.
When I was twelve, I came across this quote by Tasha Tudor. “Why have something and not enjoy it? Life is too short not to be enjoyed thoroughly.” It resonated with me, but it’s taken a long time for me to take this to heart and actually use and enjoy the things dear to me.
I still struggle with letting myself enjoy my favourite things. I still have a mug I rarely use because I adore it and am afraid to break it. But now, instead of possessions, I’ve been trying to keep the peaceful, happy moments of my day close to me, like little stars brightening the winter sky, reminding myself of them when the day feels hard and my to-do list endless.
A slice of toasty sourdough with butter. Five extra minutes to read. Candelight at dinner. What is it about candles that make everything seem softer and kinder? My purring cat, curled up asleep on a chair. Warm sweaters on a cold morning. Tea and oatmeal raisin cookies. A chat with a friend.
It’s cliché, I know, but it really is the little things that are keeping me going right now. Perhaps they aren’t so little after all – they’re the moments that make up the best parts of my world, the bright stars in a winter night.